Your AC: Midsummer Maintenance
At RJ Kuhn, that goal also remains rooted in a central principle: system maintenance. Customers who enjoy greater performance with less expense and longer system life are those who support the conditions their HVAC needs to excel, including having their systems inspected regularly by a qualified RJ Kuhn professional.
Many homeowners in Oswego, Yorkville, Aurora, Naperville and Montgomery understand that early spring is ideal for AC maintenance in preparation for summer. What might not always be obvious is the importance of midsummer maintenance. We’ve felt some extra heat this season, and your AC has likely responded with extra hours.
Smart AC ownership can entail more than an inspection and tune-up in spring. You can keep your AC in even greater peak shape with some well-timed attention before the home stretch of summer. The following are some things you can do to help your system finish the push in keeping you cool before we glide into the milder fall temperatures.
Midsummer AC Maintenance: Condensing Unit
Located outside of the home, the condensing unit is exposed to dirt, leaves and other gathering debris that can interfere with optimal airflow and system efficiency. They can also cause the system to gain extra heat. If you notice weeds, branches, tall grass or other blockages by the unit, clear them away.
In addition, the fins inside the condenser help move air away from the coil. This removes heat from the circulating refrigerant (a good thing). If the fins become dirty or clogged, the air will slow and force the system to labor. The fins are delicate and easily bent, so if you would like assistance with cleaning them, be sure to call RJ Kuhn.
Midsummer AC Maintenance: Filter
You’ve likely heard it before, and it will always be worth saying again: Keep checking and changing the air filter, including a couple of extra looks in the middle of summer.
The filter is a smaller part with a big role in your AC’s efficiency. If it starts to get dirty and clogged, airflow will slow and the system will strain to do its job, which can lead to other issues beyond requiring more energy to get the job done.
The standard rule of thumb is to replace the filter every 90 days. During a hot summer such as the one we’ve had, the AC is working extra hard, so it’s smart to check the filter every 30 to 45 days.
Midsummer AC Maintenance: Evaporator
The evaporator in your AC converts the refrigerant liquid to gas, which absorbs heat from the air in the compartment. On average, the evaporator should be cleaned twice a year. If you haven’t had an inspection and cleaning this year, now would be a good time to schedule one with RJ Kuhn. Among our many other thorough system checks, we will ensure that the evaporator is clean so it can continue to do it important work.
Midsummer AC Maintenance: Helping Your System Help You
Good midsummer maintenance also includes simply supporting your system with conditions that let it operate most efficiently. Here are a few easy things you can do to contribute to midsummer AC performance:
Use ceiling fans. The Department of Energy points out that if you run a ceiling fan in rooms you’re in during summer, you can raise the thermostat by about 4° without noticing a difference. While fans don’t cool the air, they circulate it, creating air movement that helps you feel cooler. Standing fans can help create cooling air movement as well.
Close the shades. When it’s a hot and sunny summer day, some of us may want to throw the windows open wide to let the light stream in. However, letting in that blazing light also can make our home warmer. You can conserve energy and money by limiting some of that light with items such as blackout curtains.
Vacuum the vents. With dust, pet dander and debris gathering during the week – let alone all summer – it’s inevitable that vents may become obstructed. Blocked vents make your AC work harder to condition your air, so dusting and vacuuming them as needed at the midsummer point is always a good idea. Also look for anything that might be covering a vent, such as shoes, clothing, boxes or appliances.
When You Need Midsummer Maintenance Soon, Contact RJ Kuhn
When you need AC repair, replacement or maintenance in Oswego, Yorkville, Aurora, Naperville or Montgomery (IL) – including midsummer maintenance for finishing up the season strong – the professionals at RJ Kuhn are ready to respond. We also welcome your questions about midsummer maintenance. Simply give us a call at (630) 554-3336!