Plainfield IL Plumber (Sewer, Drain, Plumbing, Piping)

Whether it’s an endlessly leaking faucet or a clogged basement drain, issues with your plumbing in Plainfield can range from an inconvenience to a crisis. At best, plumbing problems can result in messy clean-up as well as higher water bills. At worst, they can damage property or even become a threat.

Having proper plumbing is important at your Plainfield home or business. A trained and skilled local plumber can ensure your supply piping and drainage systems are correctly installed and functioning as they should be. Beyond helping you maintain steady water flow, a dependable plumber reinforces the safety of your property and your health.

Diverse & Proficient Plumbing Solutions for Plainfield IL

The local plumbing professionals at RJ Kuhn support you with the complete range of services for safe and reliable water delivery in Plainfield:

  • water heater repair & replacement
  • malfunctioning toilets
  • clogged drains, sinks, toilets & tubs
  • frozen pipes
  • leaking drains & water pipes
  • vacant-home winterizing
  • faulty faucets & valves
  • water treatment
  • RPZ testing & repair
  • sump pumps
  • peppermint & smoke testing
  • backup generators

RJ Kuhn also can help you make plumbing a pleasing part of your home or office décor. Our precision and artistry with installations of fixtures contributes to plumbing that visually complements your spaces. We install fixtures of superior quality by leading manufacturers such as Moen, Kohler, Gerber and Mansfield.

Community Plumber for Plainfield IL

RJ Kuhn was founded by Dick Kuhn in the early 1970s. In 2012, Dick’s sons, Kevin and Rick, became the company’s leaders, and together they have continued guiding it to always-higher levels of plumbing service and skill. Their steady support for Plainfield through the years has made Kuhn a community name.

As your local plumber, we maintain a complete supply of specialty tools and equipment for making efficient repairs where before replacements might have been the only viable option. These resources combined with our skilled problem-solving have helped reduce plumbing costs by hundreds and even thousands of dollars for our Plainfield customers.

Sewer & Drain for Plainfield IL

How often do you think about your sewer and drain system? Chances are, not frequently. But when it develops a stoppage or other restriction, things can quickly come to a halt and demand your attention.

Sewer and drainage lines are important to your plumbing system in Plainfield. When you take a shower or run the dishwasher or washing machine, dirty water is produced. The drain system then routes that wastewater to your septic tank or public sewer.

You can imagine the activity in your sewer and drainage lines over time. Under certain conditions, they can back up or become damaged. Signs of a problem might be a foul odor, sewer discharge on your property or lush patches of green grass in your yard.

RJ Kuhn has the resources and experience for fixing even the most complicated sewer and drain problem in Plainfield. If you have an issue with your sewer or drain, we can resolve it efficiently so your system gets back on track as soon as you need it to.

We perform all types of sewer rodding, jet rodding and TV camera sewer-line inspection for getting to the issue at the source. Our sewer and jet rodding can also be used to problem-solve for areas beneath driveways and roadways, as well as for culverts and waterways for ponds.

Plumber for Plainfield IL: Ready to Serve at RJ Kuhn

Because we are so connected to Plainfield’s people and its plumbing systems, we look forward to each chance to serve you as your community plumber. If you ever have a question or need to solve a plumbing problem concerning your plumbing, sewer or drain, simply give us a call at (630) 554-3336.

RJ Kuhn holds all required plumbing licenses and backflow certification.

Proud members of the Plumbing Contractors Association

24-hour emergency service when needed